SUZUKIs allowed for import
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The J-Spec Mileage Promise
Speedo tampering is rife in the Australian market to the point where more imports than not sold by Australian dealers have had their mileage wound back. See how importing yourself easily avoids this pitfall.
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View cars for sale, model information, images, typical sale prices and recent auction action for the following vehicles which are permitted for import under the Australian SEVS import laws.
If a model is not listed here it likely cannot be imported into Australia for road use. There are vehicles missing from this list which J-Spec does not import because typically these are older or very rare cars which realistically can't be found, or where the vast majority of those which remain are in very poor shape and can't be found up to our standards.
The following
Suzukis are eligible for import into Australia for road use under the SEVS import scheme. Click for more info.